Proposal Review & Submission

In accordance with the USM Policy on Solicitation and Acceptance of Sponsored Projects (IV-2.00) all grant proposals must be reviewed by institution personnel for consistency with all University System and institutional policies, for appropriateness to the mission of the institution, and for liability assessment before they are submitted to sponsors. The FSU Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy, for facilitating the grant proposal internal review process, and submitting all grant proposals.

Preparing for Final Internal Review

The internal review is the final check of the grant (not the first) and the final stage of the proposal development process. During this time, the Office of Sponsored Programs documents necessary approvals and make final preparations for submission.

The internal review should begin at least five business days (one week) before the grant must be submitted. This time allows for normal delays caused by competing priorities and the temporary absence of key faculty or staff.

As your deadline approaches, always stay in touch with the OSP and inform the office of any complications that may cause delays.

A week before submission, be sure the OSP has the finalized budget and a good, draft of the grant narrative. (The narrative does not yet have to be ready for submission.)

From these documents, the OSP will prepare a summary cover sheet and produce draft effort declarations (if necessary). There will be an effort declaration for each person committing significant effort the project, for each Fall, Spring, and Summer semester of the project period.

After these documents are drafted, the OSP will email them to the Project Director for completion of the effort declarations and appropriate signatures that document the necessary approvals of the proposal, including such things as work commitments and matching funds.

The OSP will also obtain (as necessary) institutional signatures on forms required by the sponsor and signatures on such things as institutional letters of support.

For faculty: The cover sheet requires signatures from the Project Director, Chair, and Dean. Effort declarations for each Fall, Spring, and Summer require signatures from the faculty member making the commitment, as well as the Chair and Dean. The Dean’s Office will scan and email completed documents back to the OSP.

For staff: The cover sheet requires signatures from the Project Director and Department Director (or whomever the Project Director reports to). Effort declarations for each fiscal year require signatures from the employee making the commitment, as well as that person’s supervisor. Scan and email completed documents back to the OSP.


Internal Review Approvals

chart of internal review path

Project Director: The Project Director will oversee the planned project and is responsible for preparation of the proposal.

Department Chair or Director: The Department Chair or Director is responsible for the review and endorsement of the proposal on the department level.

Provost / VP: The Provost or divisional VP will receive notification that the proposal is under review.  The Provost or VP is not required to approve the proposal, but has the option to veto the proposal by notifying the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Department Head for Match: If the proposal contains a match commitment, the department head responsible for that commitment (if different from that of the Project Director’s department) must endorse the proposal and approve said commitment.

College Dean: For academic departments, the Dean is responsible for the review and endorsement of the proposal on the college level.

VP of Regional Development and Engagement: The VP of Regional Development and Engagement will receive notification that the proposal is under review.  The VP is not required to approve the proposal, but has the option to veto the proposal by notifying the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs: The Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for the final review of the proposal and submission to the funder.


Submitting the Grant Proposal

Typically, the Office of Sponsored Programs submits all grant proposals.

Well before the proposal deadline, the OSP begins collecting the required documents in the required medium in the required order. During the internal review period, the submission package is finalized.

Almost all submissions are digital—whether through an online system or by email. The OSP will scan any required signature pages and include them as PDFs.

If paper is required by the sponsor, the OSP will produce originals and copies and ship them at no cost to you or your department—shipping by the least expensive means necessary to guarantee delivery by the deadline—US Post Office, commercial carrier standard, or commercial carrier overnight.

Award Notification

If you receive a notification from the sponsor that your proposal has (or has not been) awarded, please forward it to the Office of Sponsored Programs ( or 229 Hitchins).